RSAF TA-4SU Super Skyhawk (Photo © Paul Nann)
The French Defence Ministry has announced that France and Singapore are expanding the facilities of the Republic of Singapore Air Force's (RSAF) Advanced Jet Training (AJT) detachment at the Armee de l'Air base at BA120 Cazaux, in the south of France.
In a ceremony on the 8th of March attended by the RSAF's Chief of Staff (Air Staff) Brigadier-General (BG) Wong Huat Sern and General Jean-Luc Crochard of the Armee de l'Air, ground was broken for a new two-storey building at Cazaux to house flight simulators, equipment and instructional materials, interactive classrooms and briefing rooms for the RSAF's AJT detachment. The building is scheduled to be completed in late 2013.
Model of M-346 with possible RSAF markings. Click on thumbnail for high resolution image
The RSAF's AJT detachment, flying the A/TA-4SU Super Skyhawks of the RSAF's 150 Squadron, has been based at Cazaux since 1998. The Super Skyhawks will be replaced by twelve Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master jet trainers, with deliveries from the manufacturer expected to start later in 2012. Defence contractor Singapore Technologies Aerospace will oversee RSAF's M-346 training program.
Singapore is small island state measuring no more than 50km (31.25 miles) at it's widest point, and home to one of the world's busiest international airports. As a result, the RSAF's routine training and flying activities are severely restricted due to a lack of airspace at home. As such, it maintains several permanent training detachments in the United States, France and Australia, and also has agreements in place with several other countries to send it's aircraft overseas for unilateral and multilateral air exercises.
Link: Original French Defence Ministry press release (in French)
The A-4SU is the milf of fighter aircraft! Miss it badly